Liberty Pictures presents Freedom Dance - An Animated/Live-Action Documentary by Steven Fischer and Craig Herron Based on the Extraordinary Sketchbook of Edward Hilbert Edward Hilbert 1956 Edward Hilbert 2005

In Memory of

Edward Hilbert

Sep 4, 1927 - Aug 22, 2006

Freedom Dance - Now available on DVD - Click here to securely order your copy
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Freedom Dance ... will be a unique example of how character animation can be combined with interviews and photographs to tell an inspiring story. The Hilbert's story is one of courage and determination, and the innovative way you and Craig have decided to document their story should be applauded. Please do not hesitate to contact me if my office can be of any support in the production process.

Jack Gerbes
Director, Maryland Film Office

A cartoonist keeps a diary in cartoon form during his adventurous escape from the deadly 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

Freedom Dance is produced and directed by award-winning filmmakers Steven Fischer and Craig Herron, combining recorded interviews and photographs with the unconventional use of character-driven cartoon animation.

Hosting generously provided by - Webhosting for Artists
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Fiscal Sponsorship Provided by
the International Documentary Association
Los Angeles, California


Generous support provided by

American Hungarian Federation
studio unknown

Official Sound Design and Post Production Audio

BlueRock Productions

Official Host Production Facility